Different Styles of Photo Necklaces

Different Styles of Photo Necklaces

A photo necklace is a special kind of jewelry that results from permanently engraving a picture onto a pendant of a chain, using a precision laser. It is there for good, that's why most people love it. It serves different purposes, e.g., as a unique keepsake, a gift for your loved one, a memorable piece, a […]

What is a Good Running Technique?

What is a Good Running Technique?

Running seems so simple and natural for many of us. In our fight or flight mode, we know to run if we are in danger. It feels natural just to pick up the past, but not many of us are running correctly. Today we will lay out what exactly is a good running technique. If […]

What is the Medicare Levy Surcharge?

What is the Medicare Levy Surcharge?

https://pixabay.com/illustrations/doctor-medicine-capsule-addiction-4229348/ If you are dealing with a Medicare levy, you may find that you have to deal with the Medicare levy surcharge or MLS. This is most likely to happen to those who do not have enough coverage for themselves, their spouse, or their dependent children and they earn a certain income level or higher. […]
